

Overview of 智能家居技术 and the 法律 Landscape


已经, smart devices are having a big effect on the way we build and renovate homes, 它们的影响只会越来越大. But with the potential for massive data collection, 产品质量的巨大差异, and a dependence on software and software updates, there are some pretty important ramifications to consider.

NAHB成员Stephen Embry是肯塔基州列克星敦Frost Brown Todd律师事务所的合伙人., and Grayling Love II, product line manager at Eaton Corporation in Peachtree City, Ga., 在之前的NAHB建筑责任领导会议上讨论了这些问题, Risk Management and Building Materials Committee:

What does the increasing use of smart technologies mean for home owners?

Two-thirds of consumers say they want a connected home. 在三年内,大约43%的房主可能会在家中安装大量的联网设备. 很快, 一个没有任何智能家居技术的家庭将不如一个有智能家居设备的家庭有价值. - SE

这里有一定程度的安全, 消费者想要的安全和便利, 一个完整的智能家居系统正在成为一种更经济、更简单的方式来提供这些好处. As more homes add some level of connected devices, 房主需要了解新兴技术,以利用互联智能家居系统和产品的优势. 在智能家居系统中提供更高级别的安全性和安全性以及节能和自动化是一个重大机遇. - GL


There are two reasons: smaller devices for energy use and reduced costs. 这一趋势还将继续. 现在,有6个.4 to 13 billion devices in use, depending on who is guessing. 如果是130亿, 美国保险商实验室(UL)建议, 也就是说地球上每个人就有两个. In 2016, these devices generated some $19 trillion in profits. 到2020年,这个数字估计将达到50万亿美元. - SE

我认为主要原因有三点. 消费者更愿意采用智能设备和智能技术来连接他们的家庭. The second is consumers see the advantage of energy savings, security and convenience with connected devices and smart lights. The third is major companies are investing heavily in interoperability, marketing and technology that makes the connected home feel attainable. - GL

这对建筑商来说意味着什么? 2021十大正规彩票平台建筑商要关心这个?

毫无疑问,房主和买家将越来越多地向建筑商询问智能家居和智能家居设备本身, 并期望建造者知识渊博. 建筑商如何回答房主关于智能家居的问题,这不仅仅是一个客户关系问题, but may also carry some legal risk avoidance ramifications as well.

事实上, 建筑商对暴露的最好保护可能是他们能够告诉房主有关这些设备的信息. One challenge we have with the whole smart home technology platform, 家庭与物联网, 然而, is that there are not yet standards governing these devices. 在某种程度上,有一些标准, they are not necessarily consistent and the law is not well developed. - SE

Homeowners are beginning to expect their homes to be smart, and they are turning to builders to add intelligence at earlier and earlier stages. 为客户提供真正的智能家居, a builder needs to consider a number of different factors, including installing a smart home hub and devices such as a garage door, 锁、智能插头, 电灯开关, 可以通过与智能家居集线器相同的网络协议进行通信的固定装置和设备. - GL


恩布里解释说,其中一些风险是由硬件——联网设备本身——带来的. Some are presented by the software that runs them. 还有一些是由互联网连接设备产生和收集的大量数据呈现的. 所以有几个问题:

  • 这些设备的设计、制造或性能没有真正的共识标准. UL and other bodies are just beginning to look at these things.
  • 在一定程度上有法律法规, they are being enacted by all sorts of different agencies, leaving a hodge-podge of rules with no consistent regulatory or legal direction. 很少有案例概述责任以及法官和陪审团如何处理责任问题.
  • Some of these devices are poorly designed and made. 通常我们不知道这些设备的使用寿命,因为很少有独立的产品评估, 包括使用寿命. 这意味着可能存在许多长期存在的潜在失效模式, with results that range from annoying to catastrophic.
  • Often there is no commitment by the developer to patch and update the software. 想想你必须多久更新一次笔记本电脑、平板电脑和智能手机的软件. These updates provide security from vulnerabilities and problems that are discovered. 以智能设备为例, 我们常常不知道公司计划用软件安全升级来支持一个产品多久,也不知道消费者必须做些什么来安装升级.
  • 一些设备的设计和制造没有考虑到设备被利用的风险, 用一般的说法, 黑客攻击. This can result in devices like baby monitors or TVs being hijacked.
  • 对于安装这些东西的分包商的资格,很少有安装质量控制或标准. How do builders make sure they are installed correctly? How do builders satisfy their supervisory obligations? 大多数报告的问题是由于房主不了解安全含义,试图安装基于有限的设备, 不存在或未读指令.

What should a builder tell home owners about smart devices?

As home automation systems and smart homes increase in popularity, 毫无疑问,构建者会被问到很多问题,需要小心不要给出错误的信息. 如果房主发现他们的监控系统被黑了,他们会对建筑商很不高兴的, 令他们惊讶和沮丧的是, all the recordings made by the camera are now in the public domain. 和, 如果一个房主在寒冷的冬夜给他们的建筑商打电话,没有暖气,还发了一封电子邮件,要求支付10个比特币才能把暖气打开,那该怎么办?

While there haven't been many cases about smart homes yet, the ones there are seem to turn on whether flat out incorrect information was conveyed. - SE

构建者需要确保他们了解这个领域的新兴技术和产品. Homeowners are expecting their home to have voice control and some level of intelligence. 建筑商应该向消费者提供一些服务, whether it is provided directly or through a third party.

As these smart locks and devices multiply in our homes, we need to understand the cybersecurity aspects of this. 你的系统会被黑客入侵吗? 你的网络连接有多安全? 你的密码安全吗?? Builders will need to alleviate the concerns of homeowners and offer guidance. - GL


The biggest concern to a builder is what happens if there is a failure, 无论是硬件还是软件, 它会导致实际的损害和损失. 当然, if the product is installed incorrectly or the product itself fails, the liability for that is like that of any other product — a roof or HVAC system, 例如. 如果建筑商所在的司法管辖区被认为对该产品有隐含担保, 没有真正的区别. But what if the failure results from faulty or unpatched software? 软件在法律上像产品吗? 它更像是一种服务吗? 目前还没有什么法律,我们也不知道. - SE

What are the privacy implications associated with smart home systems and devices?

坦率地说, we have more and more data being generated by these devices, 有了云计算,聚合和使用这些数据的机会越来越多. 但是所有这些来自其他设备的数据, may be collected and stored somewhere else with unknown quality and security controls. 至少, 房主应该知道从这些设备收集的数据,房主不拥有或控制这些数据. - SE

How can builders best protect themselves from the risks associated with smart homes?


使用信誉良好的供应商提供的优质产品. 检查他们的保险,不要因为他们很出名就认为他们有经济能力.

  1. Check background sources; even now there are some good ones. 例如, UL正在关注这些产品及其认证,因为标准2900关注的是潜在的漏洞, 恶意软件问题和软件弱点. UL还制定了评估风险和保护措施的计划,这些计划最终将导致产品认证和测试报告. 全美房地产经纪人协会(National Association of Realtors)正在研究智能住宅出售时应如何披露以及披露哪些信息. 消费者技术协会和电气和电子工程师协会, 等, 也在制定标准吗.
  2. Check your insurance and your subcontractor's insurance. 要明白,如果硬件产品出现故障, it may be treated just like any other product failure under your CGL policy. 如果是软件问题, 或者伤害是数据或隐私泄露, 您的CGL可能不提供保险. Many carriers are specifically excluding this type of loss under their CGL policies. Instead, they are offering data breach and cyber policies, which can be tricky. 没有表单策略, 它们都有不同的语言和覆盖范围, 你甚至可以协商条款. 聘请一位熟悉这些网络政策并了解你需求的律师或保险专业人士.
  3. 仔细检查安装人员. 仅仅因为他或她看起来像个极客,说话也像个极客,并不意味着他或她比其他人更了解安装. Be sure to read the contract if a vendor presents one. 技术供应商以试图用免责声明和赔偿语言把一切都推给客户而臭名昭著. Check the installer's insurance and financial ability carefully. 在市场上购物.
  4. 是知识渊博的. Have information on the risks and what the homeowner should know. This in and of itself will go a long way in protecting builders from exposure. Most builders wouldn't use a pipe without knowing something about it and how it works. They wouldn't use a type of roofing system without knowing something about it. 和 they wouldn't hesitate to tell homeowners about these systems and the risks, 特别是如果他们被问到. - SE